
How to setup a Hugo’s website using Typo as a theme.

Installation #

Below are the ways to get started with the Typo theme.

Getting Started #

First of all, create a new Hugo project as follows:

hugo new site <your site name> --config toml

Downloading the Theme #

Themes are contained in the /themes directory, there are different ways to get Typo there

Submodule - Recommended

git submodule add --depth=1 themes/typo
git submodule update --init --recursive

Hugo module

Installing Typo as a Hugo module requires Go to be installed in your development environment.

# Initialize your project as a Hugo module
hugo mod init <module_name>
# Install the theme
hugo mod get

Then add the following to hugo.toml:

path = ""

Finally, remove the theme = 'typo' parameter from hugo.toml.


git clone themes/typo --depth=1

You need to keep it updated manually by pulling.

Manual download a release

Finally, you can manually download a release and unzip it into the appropriate folder.

Sample Config #

Use those to get started with the theme. You can find a complete overview of the available features here.

Here you can find a repo using this theme.

Site Config #

Here is a sample hugo.toml config to get started with the theme.

baseURL = ''
languageCode = 'en-us'
title = 'My website'
theme = 'typo'

# Google analytics code
googleAnalytics = "G-xxxxxxxxx"

tag = 'tags'

# Meta description
description = "A Tech Blog"

# Appearance settings
theme = 'auto'
colorPalette = 'default'
hideHeader = false

# Intro on main page, content is markdown
homeIntroTitle = 'Hi!'
homeIntroContent = """
I am an Italian Software Engineer with a strong foundation in computer science and a passion for solving complex problems.
I am interested in a range of topics, including algorithms, distributed systems, databases, and information retrieval.

# Collection to display on home
homeCollectionTitle = 'Posts'
homeCollection = 'posts'

# Lists parameters
paginationSize = 100
listSummaries = true
listDateFormat = '2 Jan 2006'

# Breadcrumbs
breadcrumbs = true

# Social icons
name = "linkedin"
url = ""

name = "medium"
url = ""

name = "github"
url = ""

# Main menu pages
name = "home"
url = "/"

name = "posts"
url = "/posts"

name = "about"
url = "/about"

# Syntax highlight on code blocks
style = 'algol'

# Giscus comments
enable = false
repo = "user/repo"
repoid = "repoId"
category = "General"
categoryid = "categoryId"
mapping = "pathname"
theme = "preferred_color_scheme"

Post Config #

Sample post config.

title: "Log-Structured Merge Tree"
date: "2023-11-12"
summary: "An LSM Tree overview and Java implementation."
description: "An LSM Tree overview and Java implementation."
toc: true
readTime: true
autonumber: true
math: true
tags: ["database", "java"]
showTags: false
hideBackToTop: false
fediverse: "@username@instance.url"

Support #

If you use the theme or found it useful you can support me by leaving a star :star: to Typo’s Github repository or opening issues and PRs with fixes or new features.