Controlling Images

Controlling Images parameters

Dark and Light Mode Images #

Sometimes images don’t look good in both light and dark mode. You can annotate the import path with a special tag to ensure an image is only shown on a specific color scheme.


In the above example, the light image is a transparent background with dark lines, while the dark one has light ones.

If you omit the #dark or #light tags an image is always shown.

Images Sizing #

There exist two tags to control sizing:

  • #small: the image takes 80% of the original scale.
  • #full: the image takes up all the available screen width.

You can also specify a caption using the following form:

![alt text](path.png#dark#small "Caption text")

I understand everyone could want a different scale for small images, you can override the default small class in your custom CSS:

.img-small img {
 scale: 80%;

Here you can find a blog post showing different tags combinations.

Adding new Image Tags #

All tags are assumed to be related to an image class, which applies styling for the figure environment.

You can add a new one, provided you add a class named img-<tag_name>.

Feel free to have a look at existing ones to have a grasp on how they work.